
Strategi Cepat Kaya 3 – Kurangi Biaya & Pajak

Menghemat Biaya Investasi
Menghemat Biaya Investasi

Kita sudah belajar bagaimana cara menabung lebih banyak. Kita juga sudah belajar bagaimana menambah penghasilan lebih besar.

Sekarang mari kita belajar untuk mengurangi biaya dalam kegiatan investasi kita. Jika kalian sudah membaca tulisan saya tentang teknik investasi ala Albert Einstein, maka kalian akan mengetahui seberapa besar dampak perbedaan hasil return 1% dalam investasi jangka panjang kalian.

Banyak investor pemula yang terbuai dengan janji dari penjual produk investasi tanpa melakukan penelitian terhadap biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan.

Biaya Investasi Instrumen Keuangan

Biaya Investasi Reksadana
Biaya Investasi Reksadana
  • Biaya Pembelian : Biaya untuk membayar jasa pembelian produk reksadana anda. Jika anda membeli reksadana dengan nominal dibawah 250.000 rupiah anda dikenakan biaya 4%. Jika anda membeli reksadana dengan nominal diatas 250.000 rupiah anda dikenakan biaya 2%.
  • Biaya Autodebet : Jika anda mau membuat otomatis sejumlah dana anda dibelikan ke produk reksadana mereka, maka anda akan dikenakan biaya 2% jika dana autodebet anda dibawah 1 juta rupiah. Anda akan dikenakan biaya 1% jika dana autodebet anda diatas 1 juta rupiah.

Dari dua biaya diatas, tidak peduli anda meraih keuntungan atau kerugian anda sudah harus menanggung biaya sebesar 2%-6% dari total dana investasi anda.

Ini artinya ketika anda menginvestasikan 1 juta rupiah setiap bulannya., anda sudah mengalami kerugian sebesar 20.000 – 60.000 didepan untuk menanggung kedua biaya tersebut setiap kali melakukan pembelian.

  • Biaya Penjualan: Jika anda mau mencairkan uang anda maka akan dikenakan biaya penjualan. Jika investasi anda belum sampai 1 tahun maka dikenakan biaya 1%, diatas 1 tahun dan belum sampai 2 tahun dikenakan biaya 0.5%. Gratis jika anda sudah berinvestasi diatas 2 tahun.
  • Biaya Manajemen: Biaya yang dibayarkan setiap tahunnya sekitar 1-3% pertahun karena keahlian mereka dalam mengelola dana investasi anda. Anda akan menemukan biaya ini di beberapa produk reksadana lain.

Saya tidak tahu apakah anda sadar dengan biaya-biaya ini atau tidak. Silahkan anda hitung berapa angka rupiah yang anda bayarkan sebagai biaya. Lalu masukkan kedalam file excel perhitungan bunga majemuk. Masukkan angka tersebut dengan tingkat return deposito atau obligasi. Maka anda akan terkejut berapa uang yang anda hilangkan untuk masa depan anda secara jangka panjang.

Biaya Investasi Saham

Jika anda investor yang mengelola dana saham anda sendiri, maka anda akan mengetahui biaya untuk transaksi saham anda.

Biaya pembelian : 0.15% dari nilai transaksi.

Biaya penjualan : 0.25% dari nilai transaksi (0.15% adalah komisi sekuritas dan 0.1% adalah pajak).

Jika kalian lihat perbedaan antara biaya pembelian saham dengan biaya pembelian/pengelolaan reksadana cukup jauh berbeda. Artinya dengan anda berinvestasi saham sendiri anda sudah menghemat biaya transaksi senilai 1.85 – 5.85% sendiri.

Tips berikutnya untuk menghemat biaya ini adalah investasi jangka panjang. Dengan anda tidak menjual investasi anda artinya anda tidak mengeluarkan biaya penjualan anda terlebih dahulu. 0.25% yang tidak dikeluarkan terlebih dahulu akan terus dikembangbiakan dengan kekuatan majemuk untuk jangka panjang.

Pasti disini akan ada beberapa yang komen, bagaimana jika harga sahamnya turun, penurunan sebesar 5% jauh lebih besar dibandingkan biaya komisi dan pajak sebesar 0.25% itu. Pemikiran anda betul sekali. Cuma permasalahannya, apakah ketika anda menjual saham anda, anda yakin harga sahamnya akan turun dan bukannya naik?

Jika anda yakin, silahkan saja karena betul logika anda diatas. Tapi jika anda tidak memiliki kemampuan cukup baik untuk menebak harga pasar maka investasi jangka panjang adalah solusi terbaik untuk anda. Jika investor seperti Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch, Sir John Templeton, Lo Kheng Hong melakukan investasi jangka panjang, kenapa anda mencoba menjadi lebih  ahli dibandingkan orang – orang paling sukses dari saham ini.

Pengurangan Biaya Transaksi Saham

Satu tips lagi yang bisa digunakan jika dana investasi / transaksi anda sudah semakin besar adalah meminta pengurangan biaya transaksi. Anda bisa melakukan itu, karena sekuritas tidak mau kehilangan anda sebagai nasabahnya.

Besaran permintaan besaran biaya transaksi yang bisa anda ajukan ke sekuritas anda:

Total asset <=50 juta atau transaction value <= 240 juta –> komisi 0.15% dan 0.25%
Total asset >50 juta – 100 juta atau transaction value >240 juta – 750 juta –> komisi 0.14% dan 0.24%
Total asset >100 juta – 500 juta atau transaction value >750 juta – 1.5 Miliar –> komisi 0.13% dan 0.23%
Total asset >500 juta – 1 miliar atau transaction value >1.5 miliar – 3 Miliar –> komisi 0.12% dan 0.22%
Total asset >1 miliar – 3 miliar atau transaction value >3 miliar – 9.5 Miliar –> komisi 0.10% dan 0.20%
Total asset >3 miliar atau transaction value >9.5 Miliar –> komisi 0.095% dan 0.195%

Total asset = total nilai asset yang ada di rekening saham saat mengadakan pengajuan
Transaction value = nilai transaksi pada 3 bulan periode terakhir.

Anda bisa menghubungi customer service sekuritas anda untuk menanyakan hal ini. Jika dikatakan tidak ada, maka anda bisa menanyakan customer service dari sekuritas lain yang akan dengan senang hati memberitahukan bahwa hal ini ADA.


Jangan pernah meremehkan biaya transaksi. Awalnya saya juga memandang remeh biaya investasi ini ketika saya menjadi trader saham.

Sampai suatu hari saya mendengar Lo Kheng Hong menjelaskan teori semakin banyak jumlah transaksi berbanding terbalik dengan besar profit yang didapatkan. Saya penasaran untuk mengecek biaya transaksi saya.

Betapa kagetnya saya, ternyata besaran biaya transaksi trading saya pertahun sekitar 20% – 50% dari total profit yang saya dapatkan pertahun.

Sekarang saya berinvestasi sudah lebih dari 5x modal saya sebagai trading. Biaya transaksi saya cuma sebesar 2% dari total biaya transaksi saya ketika menjadi trader. Sungguh hal yang keliatannya sulit dipercaya tapi ini sungguh terjadi.

Jika anda belum mengecek biaya transaksi anda, ada baiknya anda belajar membuat jurnal saham anda dengan benar.

Baca Juga : Belajar Membuat Jurnal Saham

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Written by Thowilz

Saya adalah seorang value investor yang memiliki passion untuk mengajarkan teknik value investing kepada investor lainnya. Anda dapat membaca tulisan saya di stockbit (@thowilz), instagram, dan social media lainnya.


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    As the teeth relocate, the bony tooth outlet changes shape as stress is applied. Enamel shaping or contouring is a quick and also painless procedure of forming all-natural teeth to boost their appearance. It is normally made use of to remedy tiny flaws such as uneven teeth or teeth that are somewhat chock-full. Enamel shaping is commonly integrated with whitening, veneers, or bonding. A crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that’s placed over a weak or damaged tooth to improve its shape, dimension, strength, or appearance.

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    Prior to engaging in any kind of sort of dental work, it is essential to recognize the truths concerning root canals. Safe Smiles is a brand-new charity project by the Oral Health and wellness Structure that gives you impartial, relied on as well as experienced guidance regarding dental therapies. Find out everything about a range of dental health problems and just how they can affect you.

    A few of the most successful facilities worldwide have opened 2nd branches in Dubai to offer the affluent clientele that Dubai brings in. Besides, Dubai has plenty of its millionaire citizens to satisfy. Dental professionals in Turkey are recognized for their international-grade training, making them several of one of the most competent specialists in the world. There is a large variety of excellent orthodontic as well as cosmetic dental care facilities to select from.
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    “U.S. Travelers in Europe.” Travel.State.Gov, upgraded 6 Nov. 2019,/ content/travel/en/ international-travel/before-you-go/travelers-with-special-considerations/schengen. html. “Clinical Tourism.” Centers for Condition Control and also Avoidance, 5 Dec. 2016,/ features/medicaltourism/index. html. If you locate it as well awkward typical flosses, there are less complicated choices at drugstores like ready-to-use flossers as well as floss choices. These devices can be particularly handy for kids as well as older people. Live and also Invest Overseas is the world’s savviest source for top possibilities to live far better, retire in style, invest for profit, operate, and also very own realty overseas. If you’re a foodie, you’ll appreciate the Eastern European cuisine located in Hungary.

    It is much more usual for people that are getting extensive therapies, meaning surgical procedures or other intricate treatments, which lie beyond the realm of fundamental check-ups and cleansings. We are additionally ramping up our efforts to educate consumers, health care suppliers and the public about favorable oral health methods. Threeoral wellness education and learning products, with messaging targeted to moms and dads of kids as well as to pregnant women, are available for download or mass order.
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    Learn more about the clinical, oral, pharmacy, behavior, as well as volunteer benefits your company may offer. What type of tooth brush you must make use of, and also how to comb your teeth well. Electric tooth brushes have actually been shown to clean teeth much better than hand-operated tooth brushes. They usually also have a timer to let you recognize when you have actually reached the 2 minute mark. The fluoride assists strengthen tooth enamel and assists prevent tooth decay. Within the area of dentistry, a selection of cleaning tools are used consisting of piezoelectric and sonic scalers, and ultrasonic scalers and also cleansers.
    Dental medicine was part of the normal clinical practice in other early Asian worlds, such as those in India and also Japan. Expert teeth bleaching can substantially and securely lighten the shade of your teeth as well as brighten your smile. In some nations, both a clinical as well as oral degree is required for training, and the range includes head and neck oncology and also craniofacial defect.

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    Talk with your dental professional to discover if bleaching is best for you. The effects of professional teeth whitening could continue for a long time if they are backed up with a regular at-home oral health care practice. One of the most current teeth-whitening technology includes laser therapy and complete bleaching.
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    You can either arrange your own vacation and allow us understand which dates you would like to see the dental professional or ask us to arrange the holiday for you. It’s our work to make this simple for you – just as we have for thousands of patients around the world. Preventative dental treatment is a fundamental part of your general health.

    In the very same year, Francis Brodie Imlach was the first ever dental professional to be elected President of the Royal University of Surgeons, elevating dentistry onto a the same level with professional surgery for the very first time. Al-Zahrawi invented over 200 surgical devices that appear like the contemporary kind. An ancient Sumerian message explains a “tooth worm” as the reason for cavities. Evidence of this belief has likewise been located in old India, Egypt, Japan, and China. The legend of the worm is also discovered in the Homeric Hymns, and also as late as the 14th century AD the surgeon Individual de Chauliac still advertised the idea that worms trigger tooth decay. Today, a lot of maxillofacial prosthodontists return function and esthetics to clients with obtained defects secondary to surgical removal of head and neck lumps, or additional to trauma from battle or car accidents.
    Conditions Of The Mouth
    DisclaimerAll material on this site, consisting of thesaurus, thesaurus, literary works, location, and also various other reference information is for informational functions only. This details should not be thought about full, up to date, as well as is not intended to be utilized instead of a see, assessment, or suggestions of a legal, clinical, or any type of various other expert. Origin canal is normally a little bit aching or numb after the treatment, as well as can also trigger light discomfort for a few days. We are below to aid steer you in the best instructions to ensure that you can make notified as well as safe choices concerning your therapy. This project is everything about maintaining your smile secure, healthy and balanced and also looking wonderful.

    They receive an extra few years of training to work in this field. You might most likely to a prosthodontist if you’re looking to recover or fix your smile with dentures, bridges, or dental implant crowns. The percent modification of work for each occupation from 2021 to 2031. Work experience that is typically thought about needed by companies, or is a generally accepted alternative to even more formal types of training or education.
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    Dental as well as maxillofacial surgical procedure programs commonly take 4 to 6 years and also might cause prospects earning a joint Clinical Physician (M.D.) degree. Oral exams are used to help find dental caries, gum illness, and also other dental illness early, when they’re simpler to deal with. The tests are additionally used to aid educate people on the best means to care for their teeth and also periodontals. The information and material (jointly, “Web content”) on this web site is for your basic educational info just.

    Very recommend, you want description of job he’s the one to visit. Dental extraction is the elimination of a tooth from the mouth due to degeneration or infection. Teeth bleaching is most secure and also reliable if your teeth are darkened from cigarette smoking, coffee, age, tea or red wine. Yes, in instance of an oral emergency, call us immediately to reserve a visit for an instant therapy. Dr. Ahmet Çetinkaya – does endodontic therapy of teeth and has actually been practicing for concerning ten years. Dental practitioners in Turkey deal with the curvature of the teeth to varying levels.
    When it comes to dental wellness, most individuals consider white teeth and also an absence of dental caries. Your oral health and wellness adds considerably to your body’s general wellness. And to accomplish that, you need to surpass simply cleaning your teeth and also create a dental health routine that you can follow for the rest of your life. This consists of a mix of the best dental care items and also reliable routines. Not taking great treatment of your teeth will certainly trigger plaque build-up that can lead to more significant problems like diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.
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    Privacy is necessary to us, so you have the alternative of disabling specific kinds of storage space that might not be required for the basic performance of the web site. Obstructing categories may affect your experience on the internet site. Developed in 2022, the Welcome Facility is your gateway to bespoke deluxe around the world. We are experts in providing special solutions as well as experiences to high-powered organization people as well as the High-Society. Dentures are detachable false teeth created to replace missing teeth. Systematic strategy to replace missing out on teeth with operatively positioned phony teeth.

  7. teeth and also periodontals, research has actually linked periodontal illness to other illness including heart difficulties, strokes, diabetes mellitus difficulties and respiratory system concerns. Tooth Reconstruction: 7 Different Types.

    The Material can not, and also is not meant to, replace the connection that you have with your health care professionals. You must always speak with your healthcare professionals for information worrying diagnosis as well as therapy, consisting of details pertaining to which medications or therapy might be suitable for you. None of the info on this website stands for or calls for that any kind of specific drug or therapy is safe, suitable or reliable for you. Therefore, it is always best to confirm information with your healthcare experts. Dental experts diagnose as well as deal with problems with individuals’ teeth, gum tissues, and relevant components of the mouth.
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    Eating sugar-free gum aids safeguard your teeth and gum tissues in between dishes when it may not be possible to clean with a tooth brush. These substitute alternatives for missing teeth are usually recommended for dental health objectives along with cosmetic look. Normal oral treatment is necessary for you to create and preserve good health as well as wellbeing. Oral hygienist indicates an individual licensed under this chapter to practice as a dental hygienist. Along with the above checks, a pediatric dentist may check to see if your child’s teeth are establishing generally. The hygienist will cleanse your teeth making use of little, steel oral tools.

    In addition, he did my surgical treatment at Estethica Center Istanbul, which is a really luxurious health center. ” Paying for Oral Treatment Abroad.” The Telegraph, 18 Oct. 2019,/ financial-services/currency-exchange/international-money-transfers/ paying-dental-work-abroad/. ” Clinical Tourist Could Be Just the Ticket.”,/ health-insurance/medical-tourism. html. To do this successfully, take 18 inches of floss, cover completions around your fingers as well as put it in between your teeth. Curve it around one tooth and carefully relocate in a massaging motion to get the particles out. Proceed one tooth at a time as well as ensure to floss your back teeth also.

    Pre-dental pupils also are motivated to join pre-dental clubs, talk with practicing dental practitioners as well as, preferably, darkness dental practitioners. To exercise dental care in the USA, you must finish from an approved dental college. In order to be approved right into oral institution, you have to take the American Dental Association’sDental Admission Test. [newline] Dental professionals appreciate excellent payment and the high need for oral care is likely to continue in the future. The understanding that oral wellness can have a severe effect on systemic health drives the development of new specialist chances every year. Can be either at work trained or be a grad of an oral assisting program.

    A pediatric dental expert is the oral health care service provider that specializes in the diagnosis and also therapy of the oral issues of children from the age of one or two to very early their adult years.

    a DDS (Medical Professional of Dental Surgery) and DMD (Physician of Medication in Dentistry or Physician of Dental Medicine). These coincide degree, as well as dental practitioners with a DDS or DMD have the same education and learning. 7= 2nd molar. 8 =Third molar or wisdom tooth. Your dental professional may call out these numbers at the start of your check out as he or she examines your teeth as well as enlists the oral assistant’s help in charting your outcomes. The second reason your dental expert calls out numbers is to place your teeth on the periodontal graph. B & #x 2013; Buccal & #x 2013;

    Everything from our education to our settings impacts our health. Customizing these scientific, behavioral, social, economic, and ecological factors can affect the length of time as well as exactly how well individuals live, currently and in the future. In a lot of states, laboratory service technicians need to work under the direction of, or created prescription from a qualified physician of dental care. In other states denture specialists can fix dentures and partials without the direction of a certified doctor. This hinges on the regulations and also statutes that control each state that are written by each Board of Dentistry. Assistants work just under the supervision of a licensed doctor of dental care.

    “,” is the surface towards the tongue. Currently, if the dentist states number 3MOD,” you understand you have a tooth cavity on your top right very first molar and that it includes the front, top, and also back components of the tooth. General Dentist.Pedodontist or Pediatric Dentist.Orthodontist.Periodontist or Periodontal Specialist.Endodontist or Root Canal Specialist.Oral Pathologist or Oral Surgeon.Prosthodontist. Various other dentists are thrilled to be affluent .

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